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Jan 6, 2018

Analysis the Truth behind Household Power Savers


  • A House hold power saving devices has recently received a lot of attention from both consumers and manufacturers. It is generally used in residential homes to save energy and to reduce electricity bills. It is a small device which is to be plugged in any of the AC sockets in the house (Mostly near Energy Meter). Moreover, some of the companies claim that their power savers save up to 40% of the energy.        
  • Many people believe that the claims made by the power saver manufacturing companies are false. Almost all people who buy power savers do it to reduce their electricity bills. Many people who have used these power savers said that they could reduce their electricity bills with the devices; however the reduction was not as much as they had expected. Moreover, they could not figure out if the reduction in electricity bills was due to the power savers or because of their

Types of Neutral Earthing in Power Distribution

Types of Neutral Earthing in Power Distribution


  • In the early power systems were mainly Neutral ungrounded due to the fact that the first ground fault did not require the tripping of the system. An unscheduled shutdown on the first ground fault was particularly undesirable for continuous process industries. These power systems required ground detection systems, but locating the fault often proved difficult. Although achieving the initial goal, the ungrounded system provided no control of transient over-voltages.
  • A capacitive coupling exists between the system conductors and ground in a typical distribution system. As a result, this series resonant L-C circuit can create over-voltages well in excess of line-to-line voltage when subjected to repetitive re-strikes of one phase to ground. This in turn, reduces insulation life resulting in possible equipment failure.
  • Neutral grounding systems are similar to fuses in that they do nothing until something in the system goes wrong. Then, like fuses, they protect personnel and equipment from damage. Damage comes from two factors, how long the fault lasts and how large the fault current is. Ground relays trip breakers and limit how long a fault lasts and Neutral

EHV/HV Cable Sheath Earthing

 Cable SheathEarthing

  • In urban areas, high voltage underground cables are commonly used for the transmission and distribution of electricity. Such high voltage cables have metallic sheaths or screens surrounding the conductors, and/or armour and metallic wires surrounding the cables. During earth faults applied to directly earthed systems, these metallic paths are expected to carry a substantial proportion of the total fault current, which would otherwise flow through the general mass of earth, while returning to system neutrals. These alternative return paths must be considered when determining the extent of the grid potential rise at an electrical plant due to earth faults.
  • For safety and reliable operation, the shields and metallic sheaths of power cables must be grounded. Without grounding, shields would operate at a potential considerably above ground. Thus, they would be hazardous to touch and would cause rapid degradation of the jacket or other material intervening between shield and ground. This is caused by the capacitive charging current of the cable insulation that is on the order of 1 mA/ft of conductor length.
  • This current normally flows, at power frequency, between the conductor and the earth electrode of the cable, normally the shield. In addition, the shield or metallic sheath provides a fault return path in the event of insulation failure, permitting rapid operation of the protection devices.

HIPOT Testing

HIPOT Testing

What is HIPOT Testing (Dielectric Strength Test):

  • Hipot Test is short name of high potential (high voltage) Teat and It also known as Dielectric Withstand Test. A hipot test checks for “good isolation.” Hipot test makes surety of no current will flow from one point to another point. Hipot test is the opposite of a continuity test.

What is Earthing?



The main reason for doing earthing in electrical network is for the safety. When all metallic parts in electrical equipments are grounded then if the insulation inside the equipments fails there are no dangerous voltages present in the equipment case. If the live wire touches the grounded case then the circuit is effectively shorted and fuse will immediately blow. When the fuse is blown then the dangerous voltages are away.

Purpose of Earthing:

(1)  Safety for Human life/ Building/Equipments:

  • To save human life from danger of electrical shock or death by blowing a fuse i.e. To provide an alternative path for the fault current to flow so that it will not endanger the user
  • To protect buildings, machinery & appliances under fault conditions.

Measurement of Earth Resistance by use of Earth Tester:

Measurement of Earth Resistance by use of Earth Tester

  • For measuring soil resistivity Earth Tester is used. It is also called the “MEGGER”.
  • It has a voltage source, a meter to measure Resistance in ohms, switches to change instrument range, Wires to connect terminal to Earth Electrode and Spikes.
  • It is measured by using Four Terminal Earth Tester Instrument. The terminals are connected by wires as in illustration.
  • P=Potential Spike and C=Current Spike. The distance between the spikes may be 1M, 2M, 5M, 10M, 35M, and 50M.
  • All spikes are equidistant and in straight line to maintain electrical continuity.  Take measurement in different directions.
  • Soil resistivity =2πLR.
  • R= Value of Earth resistance in ohm.
  • Distance between the spikes in cm.
  • π  =  3.14
  • P = Earth resistivity ohm-cm.
  • Earth resistance value is directly proportional to Soil resistivity value

Measurement of Earth Resistance (Three point method):

  • In this method earth tester terminal C1 & P1 are shorted to each other and connected to the earth electrode (pipe) under test.

Abstract of National Electrical Code for Transformer’s Protection

  • According to NEC 450.4, “each transformer 600 volts, nominal, or less shall be protected by an individual over current device installed in series with each ungrounded input conductor.
  • Such over current device shall be rated or set at not more than 125% of the rated full-load input current of the auto transformer.

Guideline to Design Electrical Network for Building / Small Area.

Guideline to Design Electrical Network for Building / Small Area.

 (1)  Calculate Electrical Load:

  • Find out built up area in Sqft.of per flat per House/Dwelling unit.
  • Multiply area in Sqft. by Load/Sqft according to following Table
Type of LoadLoad/Sqft
Industrial100 Watt/Sqft
Commercial30 Watt/Sqft
Domestic15 Watt/Sqft
  • Apply the diversity factor and Compute the load of all dwelling units in the area.
Type of LoadDiversity Factor
  • Add the load of common services such as Auditorium, Street Lights, Lifts and Water Pumps etc. For simplicity purpose 0.5kW/dwelling units may be considered as common load.
  • Compute the “Total Load” of the area by adding load observed at above.

What is Demand Factor-Diversity Factor-Utilization Factor and Load Factor

(1) Demand factor (in IEC, Max.Utilization factor (Ku)):

  • The word “demand” itself says the meaning of Demand Factor. The ratio of the maximum coincident demand of a system, or part of a system, to the total connected load of the system.
  • Demand Factor = Maximum demand / Total connected load

  • For example, an over sized motor 20 Kw drives a constant 15 Kw load whenever it is ON. The motor demand factor is then 15/20 =0.75= 75 %.
  • Demand Factor is express as a percentage (%) or in a ratio (less than 1).
  • Demand factor is always < =1.

  • Demand Factor is always change with the time to time or hours to hours of use and it will not constant.
  • The connected load is always known so it will

Effects of High VoltageTransmission Lines on Humans and Plants

Effects of High VoltageTransmission Lines 


By increasing population of the world, towns are expanding, many buildings construct near high voltage overhead power transmission lines. The increase of power demand has increased the need for transmitting huge amount of power over long distances. Large transmission lines configurations with high voltage and current levels generate large values of electric and magnetic fields stresses which affect the human being and the nearby objects located at ground surfaces. This needs to be investigating the effects of electromagnetic fields near the transmission lines on human health.

Direct OnLine Starter


  • Different starting methods are employed for starting induction motors because Induction Motor draws more starting current during starting. To prevent damage to the windings due to the high starting current flow, we employ different types of starters.
  • The simplest form of motor starter for the induction motor is the Direct OLine starter. The DOL starter consist a MCCB or Circuit Breaker, Contactor and an overload relay for protection. Electromagnetic contactor which can be opened by the thermal overload relay under fault conditions.

Electrical Insulation Resistance (IR) Values

 IR Values of electrical equipment

The measurement of insulation resistance is a common routine test performed on all types of electrical wires and cables. As a production test, this test is often used as a customer acceptance test, with minimum insulation resistance per unit length often specified by the customer. The results obtained from IR Test are not intended to be useful in finding localized defects in the insulation as in a true HIPOT test, but rather give information on the quality of the bulk material used as the insulation.Even when not required by the end customer, manywire and cable manufacturers use the insulation resistance test to track their insulation manufacturing processes, and spot developing problems

A wireless charging solution that works, wirelessly

Wireless charging solution

Energous’ new wireless transmitter will redefine wireless charging by allowing users to charge multiple devices without physical contact with the charger

Oceans losing oxygen, can damage marine life

Oceans losing oxygen, can damage marine life: study

As Earth is warming up, the ocean is losing its breath and can cause serious damage to marine life, affect livelihoods of millions and trigger release of dangerous greenhouse gases, says study

As per the study, even a small decline in ocean oxygen can stunt growth in animals, hinder reproduction and lead to disease or even death. Photo: Getty Images
New Delhi: As Earth is warming up, the ocean is losing its breath and can cause serious damage to marine life, affect livelihoods of millions of people and trigger the release of dangerous greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide, said a latest study published on Thursday in noted international journal Science.
The study said that in the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean with zero oxygen has gone up more than fourfold and in coastal water bodies, including estuaries and seas, low-oxygen sites have increased more than 10-fold since 1950.
Scientists expect oxygen to continue dropping even outside these zones as Earth warms up. The study said in order to halt the decline, the world needs to rein in both climate change and nutrient pollution.
“Oxygen is fundamental to life in the oceans. The decline in ocean oxygen ranks among the most serious effects of human activities on the Earth’s environment,” said Denise Breitburg, lead author of study and a marine ecologist with US-based Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
“It’s a tremendous loss to all the support services that rely on recreation and tourism, hotels and restaurants and taxi drivers and everything else. The reverberations of unhealthy ecosystems in the ocean can be extensive,” said Lisa Levin, a biological oceanographer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, US.
The study was done by a team of scientists from GO2NE (Global Ocean Oxygen Network), a new working group created in 2016 by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission.
It is a first such study that takes a sweeping look at the causes, consequences and solutions to low oxygen worldwide, in both open ocean and coastal waters. It highlighted the biggest dangers to the ocean and society, and what it will take to keep Earth’s waters healthy and productive.
Explaining the importance of oxygen in oceans, Vladimir Ryabinin, executive secretary of the International Oceanographic Commission, which formed the GO2NE group, said, “Approximately half of the oxygen on Earth comes from the ocean.”
“However, combined effects of nutrient loading and climate change are greatly increasing the number and size of ‘dead zones’ in the open ocean and coastal waters, where oxygen is too low to support most marine life,” Ryabinin added.
The authors point out that in areas traditionally called “dead zones”, like those in Chesapeake Bay (in the US) and the Gulf of Mexico, oxygen plummets to levels so low many animals suffocate and die. As fish avoid these zones, their habitats shrink and they become more vulnerable to predators or fishing. But the problem goes far beyond dead zones, the authors explained in an official statement.
The danger due to low oxygen in oceans is manifold. For instance, as per the study, even small oxygen declines can stunt growth in animals, hinder reproduction and lead to disease or even death.
“It also can trigger the release of dangerous chemicals such as nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas up to 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, and toxic hydrogen sulfide. While some animals can thrive in dead zones, overall biodiversity falls,” the study warns.
To keep low oxygen in check, the scientists said the world needs to take on the issue from three angles—address the causes, nutrient pollution and climate change. “This is a problem we can solve. Halting climate change requires a global effort, but even local actions can help with nutrient-driven oxygen decline,” said Breitburg.

One day sightseeing in Bangalore: Bangalore Sightseeing

Bangalore Sightseeing

Bengaluru” – A traveller’s delight. A Verdant city amidst the Serene greenery filled with loads of fun and colorful delights. Known as the “Garden City Of India” and also as the “Silicon Valley of India” Bengaluru is the capital of ‘Karnataka’ and one of most Scenic and Pristine Metropolitan cities in India.
Boasting history dating back to the 15th century A.D, this beautiful city was founded by Sri Kempegowda who was a feudatory ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire. Today, this city has everything right from the pre historical Temples to one of the most technologically advanced research institutes like “The Indian Institute of Science (IISC)” and many more. Overall, we have some of the best places for one day sightseeing in Bangalore hand picked for you.

10 Getaways for Camping near Delhi


Your weekend is coming up and you are tired of your monotonous life of going back and forth from work and then lazing around during the weekends. Well then, why don’t you bring some adventure and excitement in your life? Probably try a new and different experience? Even escape from the city and go into the wilderness and get in touch with nature? Well, here are 8 one-day camping getaways that you could try and liven up your weekend!

25 Team Outing Places Near Bangalore

Outing Places Near Bangalore

Bangalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India and is home to thousands of offices. The road traffic in Bangalore is also known to be one of the worst in the country, and we always hear stories of people stuck for hours together in roadblocks and traffic jams. If you are one such Bangalorean who wants to have a day or two out with your team to relax, rejuvenate and let your hair down and is looking for the top places for team outings near Bangalore, you have come to the right page.

ADRENALINE RUSH IN DUBAI – Top Adventure Activities

ADRENALINE RUSH IN DUBAI – Top Adventure Activities

With skyscrapers soaring way above the clouds, a desert on one side and the beautiful beach on the other, no place on this planet could redefine the term ‘Luxury’ as well as Dubai. The kind of growth it has shown in the last 2 decades is unheard of. While popularly known for its majestic architectural structures, another aspect of this amazing place is the wide range of adventure sports that Dubai has to offer to tourists from across the world. Each sport guarantees to pump up your adrenaline and give the experience of a lifetime. Whether you’re newlywed honeymooners, a bachelor’s crew or a spinster’s squad, or even a family on vacation, these sports will definitely give you the opportunity to renew your heartbeat and feed the daredevil inside you!

Valentine’s Day Special: Offbeat Romantic Places in India

Valentine’s Day Special

Being in love is great but traveling with the one you love? Priceless. There are some who manage to find romance wherever they go while there are some places so charming that it brings out the romance in people. Places like Auli and Andamans are already among the favorite honeymoon destinations and seem to be overflowing with couples in love. But many a times one wants to spend their time with their significant other in places where love comes from within.
So we said, don’t go to Gulmarg where everyone you see is a couple. Go to Pahalgam where you are the most loving couple. This list comprises of such known and lesser known Romantic places in India which oozes romance and lure you to it. To the singles out there, we haven’t forgotten you. This list is as much for you as it is for the couples. Some of these destinations make for great solo trips to explore your solitude in while being romanced by the place.

Jan 5, 2018

12 Best Resorts with Water Facing View for A Perfect Break

 Best Resorts with Water Facing View for A Perfect Break

You’re just going through the dates, and your eyes glisten with excitement as you see the holiday seasons approaching. Doesn’t this just happen to all of us out there? And what better way to celebrate the well-needed break from the hectic lifestyle other than pampering oneself in one of the posh and lavish resorts of the country! We believe in bringing to our readers, the best places to visit and enjoy all the amenities. This time, our targets are the splendid water face view resorts all across the nation. Scroll down and pick your favorite to spend your time during the coming holidays. You can thank us later folks!

15 Resorts Near Kolkata For A Perfect Weekend Getaway

15 Resorts Near Kolkata For A Perfect Weekend Getaway

I think Delhiites know how to party, but Kolkata has people who know how to celebrate. I think that’s the main difference.– Gautam Gambhir

This one simple sentence encompasses the spirit of Kolkata in all its true sense. Touted as the “City of Joy”, people here sure know how to celebrate and rejoice. When it comes to travelling in luxury and style, Kolkata won’t let you down. There are a number of luxury resorts in and around this city, which will let you unwind amidst total serenity. Whether you are looking for a peaceful getaway with your family or a place to chill out with your friends, Kolkata has it all in store for you.
These 15 resorts around Kolkata is your heaven for a weekend getaway!

15 Places To Go With Your Friends Just After You Graduate

15 Places To Go With Your Friends Just After You Graduate

Graduating is a monumental time in any student’s life. As someone who’s graduating this very year, I can understand the storm of emotions that we go through, every day and every night. Emotions can be solicited by the smallest of things and there’s full reason for it. This is your big push-off into the real world and every emotion that you feel is  justified many times over.
But, standing at the threshold of your runway, you’ve every right to take things a little slow at the last moment. So, take a trip with your buddies. Life is quite worthless without that last trip you take as students and the memories you pack during that time. Therefore, we at Holidify put together a list of trips that you can take with your amigos before life starts for you in a big way after summer this year.

11 Best Zoos in India – A Zoological Zing For A Break

11 Best Zoos in India

Festivals and Fairs from the Land of Bihar

Festivals and Fairs of Bihar

India is a land of varied culture, festivals, beliefs and religions. Whichever part of the country you visit, you will come across some culture that will be completely different from your own. It is simply amazing how one country houses so many diversified religions. People of this country love to celebrate festivals and feel it is an opportunity to get together with friends and family and have merriment.
Each state of the country has some festivals that are a unique part of its cultural heritage and are different from the rest. It fascinating to witness these festivities. Bihar wholeheartedly celebrates festivals like Durga Puja, Bhaiya Dooj, Holi, Saraswati Puja etc.
But there is one festival that is uniquely associated with Bihar, and that is the festival of Chhath. Today, we bring you a list of festivals from the Land of Biharis- Bihar!

1. Chatth Puja

This is probably the most famous festival of this State. When one hears Chatth Puja, Bihar instantly comes to the mind. This is an actually an ancient Hindu festival which is dedicated to the Sun God, Surya, and take place 6 days after Diwali. It is an expression of thanks giving and seeking blessings from the Almighty for sustaining life on Earth. During this festival, the person observing Chatth, also known as Parvati, observes a fast from dawn to dusk which concludes with sweets. This fast is followed by another fast for 36 hours till the final day, when puja starts at the river, before sunrise. You can witness thousands of devotees and the river during this time. Witnessing Chatth Puja will let you witness the devotion in its true sense.

2. Sama Chakeva

During the winter when the birds migrate from the Himalayas towards the plains, the celebration of Sama-Chakeva takes place. This festival is celebrated specifically in Mithila. When the colourful birds migrate towards their land, this festival takes place, marking the brother-sister relationship. It starts with welcoming the pair of birds Sama- Chakeva. The girls make an idol of the birds and decorate them in their own traditional way. After this, the festivities take place with full splendour, and ends by a Vidaai of the Sama, with a wish that these birds return to the land the next year.

3. Shravani Mela

This festival or rather Mela is observed every during the month of Shravan (July-August). It is an important month-long ritual which is held along a 108 km long route linking towns of Deogarh and Sultanganj. The devotees who take part, known as Kanwarias, wear saffron-coloured clothes and collect water from the sacred Ghats at Sultanganj. They then walk barefoot on the 108 km long stretch to Deogarh to bathe the sacred Shiva-linga. This festival draws thousands of people from all around the country every year.

4. Sonepur Cattle Fair

This fair of Bihar has its root in ancient mythology and folklore. The Sonepur Cattle fair is the Asia’s largest cattle fair which takes place in the town of Sonepur in Bihar. It is held on Kartik Purnima that is the first full moon after the festival of Diwali. In this fair, domestic cattle like an elephant, camel, sheep and birds are brought in from around the country and sold here. Apart from this, varied handicrafts and handloom stalls are also put up, along with the magic show and folk dances. This fair attracts a large number of foreign tourists each year.

5. Makar Sankranti Mela

The Makar Sankranti Mela is held every year at Rajgir (a town in Bihar) in the month of January. The devotees make flower offering to the deities in the temple and take a dip in the holy water. Another site associated with this festival is the Mandar Hills in the Banka district. According to legends, a great Asura once threatened the gods. The Lord Vishnu cut off the Asura’s head and piled up the body under the weight of the Mandar hill. The famous panchjanya – the sankh (conch shell) used in the Mahabharat war is believed to have been found here on the hills. This makes it a rather famous festival of the state.

6. Pitrapaksha Mela

This mela is held in Gaya each year, in the month of September. In this fair, people from all parts of the country come to worship their ancestors as part of the Shraddha ritual. The gayalis, descendants of the Magga Brahmans perform the Shraddha ceremony. This is a mandatory Hindu ritual which is believed to bring salvation to the departed soul. This tradition traces back to Buddha, who is believed to have performed the first pindan here.

7. Rajgir Mahotsav

Rajgir is the ancient capital of the Magadhan Empire in Bihar and is held sacred by both Jains and Buddhists because of its long association with Buddha and Mahavira. A Rajgir Mahotsav is held every year by the Department of Tourism, Bihar. It is a colourful festival of dance and music. A complete serene atmosphere is created here with the instrumental music, devotional songs, opera, folk dance, ballet and other dance and art forms. This festival held in the last week of October attracts a large number of tourists from around the world.

8. Bihula

The Bihula festival is mainly prominent in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. This festival is rather famous in the Eastern Bihar and has various myths associated with it. People pray to the Goddess Mansa to protect their families. This festival is held during the month of August each year. The festival celebrates the brilliant Manjusha Art, which is as magnificent as other art forms found in Bihar.

9. Buddha Jayanti

The Buddha Jayanti is celebrated during the month of May, on the Baisakh Purnima (full moon day). It is believed that Buddha was born, enlightened and passed away on the same full moon day. Thus, the festival Buddha Jayanti came to be celebrated. This is especially celebrated in the town Bodh Gaya and Rajgir. This day marks the day of prayer and celebration at the Mahabodhi Temple.
This just shows how great the culture of Bihar really is. Be sure to witness these festivals at least once in your lifetime!

Road trips from Chandigarh to Himalayas
One day sightseeing in Bangalore: Bangalore Sightseeing
10 Getaways for Camping near Delhi
25 Team Outing Places Near Bangalore
ADRENALINE RUSH IN DUBAI – Top Adventure Activities
Valentine’s Day Special: Offbeat Romantic Places in India
12 Best Resorts with Water Facing View for A Perfect Break
15 Resorts Near Kolkata For A Perfect Weekend Getaway
15 Places To Go With Your Friends Just After You Graduate
11 Best Zoos in India – A Zoological Zing For A Break
Chhath Puja- Bihar’s Biggest Festival : 7 things That Every Indian Should Know
9 Colourful Festivals and Fairs from the Land of Bihar

15 Resorts Near Mumbai Where Romance Is In the Air

15 Resorts Near Mumbai Where Romance Is In the Air

Leading a happy life in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of a city isn’t any piece of cake. The hectic schedule spares none. Even the couples do not get to spend some quality time with each other. But whenever you decide to take a break, the city of dreams makes sure that you have the best time in the world. Mumbai hosts a myriad of beautiful Resorts around, each claiming to render the best quality time!

1. The Machan Resort, Lonavala

In the day today, when one decides to get out of the city, nature is the first thing which pops in mind. Deservingly so, as it promises the best heal to city wounds. Machan Resort is one such resort in Lonavala. There are three categories in which the Machans are divided: Forest Machan, Heritage Machan and Canopy Machan. Each Machan is well equipped with modern facilities and with 100% use of natural resources, which lures a traveller to come here even more. This one-of-its-kind green paradise is just 97 km from Mumbai.

2. The Lagoona Resort, Lonavala

Another eco-friendly getaway from Mumbai is the Lagoona Resort in Lonavala. Putatively claimed to be one of the best resorts around Mumbai, this resort promises a peaceful sojourn with nature. In the mid of bounty, nature stands a huge building, with an array of rooms. The accommodation is categorised in standard rooms, deluxe rooms, executive suites and lagoona suites. Each room has big bedrooms and private balconies attached. It is one of the best places for a couple getaway as it keeps you entertained with numerous activities all day round.

3. Della Resorts, Kunegaon, Lonavala

If you and your partner want to relax in peace but also seek some adventure, Della Resort in Lonavala is undoubtedly the best around Mumbai. There are a plethora of adventure activities including flying fox, bungee jumping, paintball, zorbing, etc. This luxurious stay with spacious rooms equipped with modern amenities is situated 84 km.
4. Zara’s Resort, Khandala
78 km from Mumbai lies the finest luxury resort in the region. Situated at Khandala, Zara’s Resort is a delight for a couple seeking some quality time with each other because of its seclusion from the bustling city life. This resort promises a very calm and soothing and peaceful sojourn with your partner. Along with being well equipped with modern facilities in the rooms, it also consists of a lavish restaurant providing delicious food and drinks.

5. The Dukes Retreat, Khandala

Lonavala. Situated on the edge of a precipice that is 500 feet above the ground, this stay will rejuvenate you with the breath taking landscapes and some tranquillizing beauty. Filled with peace and comfort in your heart, you can also enjoy the modern facilities that are rendered here. There is an abundance of rooms here and also houses some excellent cottages. The cottages include living room, bedroom and a courtyard. It offers other luxurious features like a swimming pool and a wellness spa.

6. Mystica Resort, Khandala

Sitting tight and cosy in the lap of Sahayadri Mountains, this modern day resort is every traveller’s dream. With a huge range of beautiful sceneries and serene environment, Mystica resort is one of the best near Mumbai. It is good for almost all age groups and especially a couple with kids. This resort consists of gorgeous rooms with big windows opening to a picturesque view, a private lake with boating, playground for kids and a lavish bar at houseboat. Located at a distance of about 82 km from Mumbai, this retreat is a couple’s paradise. One can enjoy a range of wellness activities amidst nature and also treat their taste buds with luscious international cuisine.

7. Fariyas Resort, Khandala

This legendary five-star stay is filled with comfort, modern day amenities, natural beauty, and recreational activities and proudly boasts to be amongst the best near Mumbai. When you want to relax and get away with the hectic schedule, think no more and head towards the Fariyas Resort in Khandala. At a distance of 84 km from Mumbai, this beautiful abode is built in a contemporary style. The rooms are aesthetically designed and well-furnished to suit modern taste. The lavish restaurant ‘Fusion’ serves a delicious meal, and the bar ‘Tavern’ is the bar which renders some nice spirits.
8. Treasure Island Resort, Lonavala
The Treasure Island Resort is spread over an area of 8.5 km with a large variety of accommodation. The accommodation is categorised in Lagoon Villa, Deluxe Suits, Executive Stays and Economy Room. A lagoon surrounds every villa and is connected with a verandah where you can sit with your partner and enjoy the view of the lagoon. Exquisite patios, bath tubs, spacious rooms are the prominent features of the accommodation here. There are two restaurants: ‘Hide Out’ and ‘Baywatch Branto’ which provide a scrumptious meal for the travellers. The resort boasts a big swimming pool playground for kids, wellness centre and a sauna. It is situated only 91 km away from Mumbai.

9. Upper Deck Resort, Lonavala
At 2500 ft from the ground level, in the lap of lush green mountains lie the tranquil and serene Upper Deck Resort. From this elevated level, the Valvan Reservoir and the Rajmachi Fort in Lonavala can be easily viewed, and it essentially creates a picturesque landscape. It is one of the best honeymoon resorts with a distance of 104 km from Mumbai because of its secluded location with minimal disturbance.
One of the major features of this Resort which makes it a lover’s paradise is the giant heart-shaped swimming pool with an open-air Jacuzzi which gives you a breath-taking view of the valley. Massage Room, indoor games, nature walks and children’s playground are other features which make it one of the best romantic destinations near Mumbai.
10. Citrus Velvett Country Resort
The Citrus Velvett Country Resort is located in a private valley of Khandala. Built in 1991, this three-star resort has 37 well-furnished rooms bathing in modern facilities such as spacious rooms, balconies with beautiful views, swimming pool, gardens, fully equipped gyms and jogging tracks. It also contains the restaurant Farmer’s Kitchen which offers both Indian and international cuisines. Citrus Velvett Country Resort resides in a splendiferous valley of Khandala, located at a distance of 90 km from Mumbai.

11. U Tropicana Resort, Alibaug

Tropicana Beach Resort is located at the edge of a perched precipice in Alibaug at a distance of 88 km from Mumbai. The accommodation is divided into three categories: standard, deluxe and super deluxe rooms. Well-appointed with modern amenities and is decorated with a contemporary style which makes it one of best romantic destinations near Mumbai. Its other facilities include gaming, jogging tracks, wellness spa, etc.

12. Prakruti Resort, Kashid

As the name suggests, it lies in the proximity with the nature in Kashid, hence offering absolute beauty, peace and comfort. Kashid is a sea village near Mumbai at a distance of about 100 km and is a perfect getaway with your partner. Snuggled amidst a blanket of green forest, this 4-star luxury resort boasts a rich scenic beauty. Accommodation is categorised into two types: apartments and villas. There are other VIP Villas and executive villas to choose from if you are on a business schedule. Other rejuvenating facilities include a lavish restaurant, giant swimming pool, gaming zone and an in-house bar.

13. Cloud 9 Hills Resort, Amba Valley Road

Nestled amidst the lush greenery and tranquil stillness of nature, the Cloud 9 Hills Resort is situated on the Amba Valley Road, about 8 km from the Amba Valley. It is located at a lofty height of 1500 ft, which makes it a prominent destination for travellers if they are seeking a quiet rendezvous with nature. Any traveller going to Amba Valley will stop here if a luxurious stay is needed. It is best for a weekend getaway when couples want to spend some alone time together.

14. Radisson Resort and Spa

At a distance of 92 kms from the capital city of Maharashtra, lies a 16 Acre Kingdom of green flora flourishing on the historical ruins. This recommended couple getaway is fledged with 5-star amenities like fully furnished contemporary style rooms ranging from Superior Rooms to Presidential Suite, fine dining restaurants such as Aparanta and Kokum & Spice, The Lounge Bar, discotheque, piano bar and whatnot. If you ever feel wearied by the bustling city life and have a desire to relax like kings and queens, drive to Alibaug, and enjoy your long lost dreams. This can be like your two-three day trip with your partner where you can also enjoy the natural and historic beauty of Alibaug at nearby attractions such as Harnai Fort and Fish Bunder, Kolaba Fort, Janjira Fort & Beach and Kankeshwara Temple.
 15. Ccaza Comodore, Alibaug
To get away from the maddening Mumbai life, there cannot be a better place when it comes to choosing a weekend getaway for couples. Snuggled in the quaint village of Mandawa, this luxurious retreat lies on the Arabian seaside. There is no way that you won’t like chilling in the pools, lazing the sun and feeding on absolutely luscious food without any tension of your office work. Another enticing feature of this getaway is that you can take a ferry ride from Gateway of India to reach Mandawa jetty and 7 minutes from jetty reach this luxurious villa.
So if you ever feel a need to escape the vicious hullabaloo of the city life, pack your bags and drive to one of these resorts within no time. Mumbai has a boon with such natural attractions near its geography and man has left no possible way to make it cozier. And therefore, resorts near Mumbai form a perfect getaway, especially for couples who wish to spend some time with the enchanting beauty of nature.

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